Local Fair Housing Protections

On September 12, 2019, Anne Arundel County Executive, Steuart Pittman, signed a local fair housing ordinance, Bill 55-19, into law. Now, Anne Arundel County will provide local fair housing protections against discrimination in the sale or rental of housing.

Why Is This Legislation Necessary?

Previously, Anne Arundel County had no protected classes above and beyond the federally protected classes. Any complaint had to be made with the state or federal government.

What Does This Legislation Do?

This bill prevents real estate professionals, landlords, and property owners doing business in
Anne Arundel County from discriminating against persons in the sale, rent, or provision of

What Are The Protected Classes?

Effective October 27, 2019, there will be seven additional protected classes in Anne Arundel County above and beyond the Federal and Maryland protected classes of Color, Disability, Familial Status, National Origin, Race, Religion, Marital Status, Gender Identification or Sexual Orientation.

The additional protected classes are: Age, Ancestry, Citizenship, Gender Expression, Creed, Occupation, and Source of Income.

Summary and Resources:

This legislation will allow Anne Arundel County to set a standard for protected classes in Maryland. Additionally, Anne Arundel County can now pursue enforcement and levy fines in a fair manner.

Fact Sheet from AA County Executive Office

The Final Bill